
Ransom Gone Wrong

This week’s prompt:

Tell a story that begins with a ransom note.

My response after the jump.


To Eight-Year-Old Georgina...

Dear Eight-Year-Old Georgina,

Finding this note at the bottom of your yellow basket that you bought from Mrs. Yeager at the start of the school year seemed like an odd thing to you. At first, you looked around before opening it, hoping it was a note from your best friend Lydia or that kid you have a crush on in class. When you realized it was from your future self, you were weirded out a bit, but you’ve always had the ability to believe in things that are not concrete. You even played with the idea that you wrote it for fun and forgot about it, but the handwriting and vocabulary should let you know that this is legit.

Bandwagon Plan

So, here's my plan:

Write as often as possible, but at least once a week.
Use my teaching prompts as blog prompts.

As a bonus, I'd love for anyone still reading this to play along. If you have a blog and would like, write to the prompt and link your blog post in the comments.

My first prompt is:

Imagine yourself at the age of eight. What would you tell yourself?

Explained Absence

Due to a sad circumstance, I saw many people from the past today. One of the things that came up was this blog. "Are you still blogging? I haven't seen anything lately?"

"Yeah. Have you been writing?"